Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Semi-Homemade Christmas Tradition

In the Semi-Homemade house, we're big on tradition, especially this time of year! I'll be pulling something together soon on all our traditions, and I want to hear from you about yours!

This weekend is one of my favorite (and I think, most unique!) holiday traditions, and we call it Mom's Weekend. This is our 8th annual (we started it when we got married and lived in KS!) and it keeps getting better & better! Both moms (mine and Mr. Fix-It's) come for the weekend (sometimes they come together - if their schedules allow - sometimes not!) We spend the weekend shopping (checking things off our lists!) and EATING! We go to Cheesecake Factory every.single.year. And I wouldn't give that up for anything! We shop and eat our way through the weekend, getting in the holiday spirit and staying there. I can't tell you how much we look forward to this and plan it waaaay in advance, so nothing gets in the way!

My MIL got in last night and my mom is on her way. Cheesecake, here we come! (This is my fav.... snickers!)

And speaking of getting in the holiday spirit... One of my fav bloggers & Etsy shop owners, Amber at RockerByeBaby is doing something great to help someone else have a happy holiday. Read her own personal story, it's touching. Several of my awesome readers own businesses that might be able to help, others can maybe clean out some great hand-me-downs to send.... I've done my share of complaining about this damn recession, but I'm so happy to help those who have truly been impacted at devastating levels. I just love the Spirit of Christmas....


RockerByeBaby said...

Thanks for the shout out! SO far we have 12 businesses/friends pitching in! Its going to be great :)

Erin said...

Oh yum! I love Cheesecake Factory. I actually live about 2 miles from ours and it takes every fiber of strength NOT to send my hubby there once a week for a slice to go! My favorite is the Dulce de Lece. So good!
Enjoy your fun Mom's weekend. What a great idea!

Val said...

SOOOO... did you have a great Mom's weekend? Get lots of shopping and eating in? Hope you had fun!!!

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