First of all, much thanks to all of you who commiserated with us about forgetting show & tell. every.week. And Mary Beth, I had the same conversation with Big Sis when I missed her Easter Bonnet Parade last Fri, too (for the record, I was at the helmet dr with G-man!) Everyone's parents were there. Except hers. Broke my heart. But... I'm proud to announce.... that we remembered today (okay, Mr. Fix-It remembered)! The subject is textures... and we thought of it - literally - as we were walking out the door. So... Mr. Fix-It is such a good daddy.... he reaches in his truck, finds sandpaper, and throws it in a baggie and labels it Sandpaper. She's all set! YEA!!
Y'all, tomorrow is the 5k. I'm neither ready nor looking forward to it. I've had some sort of mysterious allergy thing since Tues (scratchy throat, headache, sneezing like a maniac!) It'll be okay, right? I promise a recap.
And tomorrow is also Mr. Fix-It's birthday! Big Sis wants to get him a heart sucker and a guitar, so I've got a little errand running this afternoon to figure that out. ;) I'll try to take a few pics when we're out to dinner with the Everythings tomorrow night.
Work is insane today - I'll be able to explain more next week - but let me leave you with this invite.... from a dear friend of ours, let's call him JS. Anyone living in NE Oklahoma probably knows him... He went to school with Mr. Fix-It and college with both of us!
Howdy. 'Dilla Hunt'n Saturday the 11th. Course your all welcome to come up on the 10th and pitch camp. Think'n on cold beer and warm hog both days. 'Happiness is a warm hog'.....Sorry,..that was better to the beatles music in my head.... Speakin o' music...bring yer fiddles. Ill put a couple o lights out in the barnyard and we'll see if we can't get silly. I live directly between Highways xx and yy on highway zzz (bout 12 miles east of xx and 12 miles west of yy). Just go to Kansas and turn right or left, respectively. Half mile east of H Lake dam on zz is the S Ranch cattleguard. Go through it. Go bout another mile - You're not lost. Its way off off broadway. Oh and stay to the right at the bottom of the hill. You'll see. BYOB. BYOLC. BYOF. BYA. Hunt starts at 10 am sharpish on Saturday. Come . Bring a friend. Anyone I left out? Send this on.
Isn't that a hoot? Funny thing is.... it'll be a good time. TGIF!
I've had that allergy/cold thing this week, too -- no fun! Break a leg tomorrow!
You'll do great tomorrow! I remember my first 5k (prebaby) It was so exhilarating. Running with that many people doesn't even make you think about your legs getting numb or that ache in your side :) Good luck
You'll do awesome- can't wait to hear all about it!
Oh no, allergy/cold things are awful. Hope you feel better soon.
**I am having a giveaway over at my blog. Stop on by and check it out :)
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