Saturday, February 27, 2010
Canton Bound!
After a day of girl talk, Starbucks, and lots of laugh.... I'll be back to share any treasures I couldn't live without! :) Happy weekend!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Snow Day in TEXAS
Quiz: Is G-man crying because:
a) he was forced to wear his sister's coat when his mysteriously disappeared?
b) he hates the snow - that's why he lives in TX, damnit!?
c) he took 1 step in the snow and face planted? (okay, I can't help but giggle. sorry, g-man!)
d) all of the above

Seriously, Big Sis was out to impress! mr. fix-it said, roll a snowball for a snowman... and she did it like it was part of her regular day. You go, Southern girl!
The finished product! Frosty with his new friends, the Semi-Homemades. And yes... Frosty is an Oklahoma State fan (go, pokes!) He's sporting his o-state cowboy hat and scarf! (And that's popcorn from Mom and Popcorn for his eyes and mouth, lol!)

Big Sis making snow angels. We got a FOOT of snow! A foot! Which means that Big Sis could do snow angels and not even sink to the ground - crazy!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Semi-Homemade Homework
The assignment: make a collage of your family.
Sounded easy enough, right? Umm....
The lesson(?!): The lesson learned here probably wasn't for Big Sis. It was that mom hasn't printed pictures out since G-man was born. 18 months ago. We had to rely on random pictures that other people had taken and mailed us. And the front of our Christmas card. And the back of our Christmas card. Geez!

The middle picture on the left side is Big Sis with her little brother... and Miss Priss, the oldest child of Mrs. and Mr. Everything. We consider them family, but Big Sis's teacher is such a stickler for rules... I told her it would be okay (if asked) to call her a cousin. ;)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
C25K update - and rap volume 3
Y'all. I just jogged for 25. straight. minutes. I'm still breathing hard. I love running!! When I'm done. And I still haven't decided if I'm totally impressed with myself or completely embarassed by how lame my Fri nights have become. Either way. And AGAIN, I had to remind myself that I am not, in fact, a rapper. I don't have on gold chains, don't go by the name Ice-mom or E-pain or any of that. But I do love some rap to make me forget how much I don't enjoy jogging.
Hee hee! I finished week 9 last week, and I'm adding 1/4 mile every week. I jogged this afternoon... 2 3/4 miles - next week it'll be 3 miles. Straight. No walking. ;) And I've decided maybe I DO enjoy jogging. When I get to do it during the day. ;)
Hopefully, I'll be able to share some new music that I love with you soon! But for now... an old fav....
If your taste is similar to mine, you prob know of Pitbull.

And love this one, too... Get No Better by Cassidy.
Kids are waking up but I think I got at least a few to add to my playlist before I jog tomorrow - woo hoo!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
New Year's Resolution.... in action!

The picture above is from last Sunday, after Big Sis's first day of Sunday school. Which she loved. Because she "made new friends and learned about Jesus." And the fact that there was coloring probably helped seal the deal.
I wanted to get a good pic of both kiddos..... but - as many of you moms of more than one will relate to - THIS is what I managed to get:

Tomorrow is the 2nd week of Sunday School and you'd think it was Christmas, as excited as Big Sis is. Last week she asked me if we could go to Sunday school EVERY day. ;) I'm lovin that she's lovin it.... and that it helps make me more accountable to one of MY goals. (I was totally hoping to get to take her to mass on Ash Wednesday with me this wk.... but I didn't get to leave work on time and was 5 min late as it was. Next year!)
THAT was the kind of day I needed....
I was focused on my always long to-do list..... a few projects that must be finished before the house goes on the market March 1.... and an under-the-weather G-man (mr. fix-it took him in this morning and the poor guy has an ear infection that spread into pink eye - yikes!)
But it turned out to be EXACTLY the kind of day I needed.... first party was fun, met a new mom (her son is new to Big Sis's class), had fun talking to the 'regular' moms.... then went to lunch with my 2 fav preschool moms and their kids at this fun place on our Downtown Square. We had salads... a couple glasses of wine.... lots of girl talk. I think I was long over due (for girl time... fun gossip... daytime drinking? ;)... for time to hang with Big Sis and focus only on her and her friends).
Second party was a girly girl dress up party and Big Sis adores those. She rocked some seriously great Hannah Montana karaoke.... impressed the other moms with her rendition of Party in the USA, then cracked me up with her request of Ice Cream Paint Job. (No idea where she got that. Okay, maybe a small idea. I blame mr. fix-it.)
Then dinner with some friends expecting their first child in May. I remember those days... when you know change is coming but you really have no idea how your normal is about to get turned upside down. She had the cutest belly... and I can't wait to meet her lil man!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
If I had $100...

It's Urban Decay's newest set, the Alice in Wonderland palette (get it from Sephora - but it's sold out online!) And the colors look perfect for me! Lots of warm browns and bronzes... a couple smokey greys/blacks... then a couple 'out there' colors for when you're having fun! (The colors have fun names, too, like White Rabbit, Jabberwocky, etc!) It also comes with a couple of liners and their primer, which

So, what's a girl to do when you're craving new makeup (BIG TIME!)? Go enter Sasha's giveaway and win a fab Too Faced Palette! You have until next Tues, but hurry!
And for anyone who might be wanting an update on the meeting situation... it didn't go as it would have otherwise. The feedback I got ranged from "okay" to "bizarre." I feel awful for my buyer.... management focused on a few issues that were really non-issues and (had I been there) I could have squashed in 5 seconds. Not sure they learned anything by this.... but it's amazing what happened to the whole team's morale. And I hope that is the lesson to them.
Runners - I need your help! (c25k update)

So, speaking of Valentine's day.....

Friday, February 12, 2010
Right now...

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Semi-Homemade Valentines: Apple for the Teacher

I love to use pretty much any holiday as a chance to appreciate my kiddos' teachers. Wow, the job they have! And the results they've gotten with my kids (and all the others) are just so impressive! I decided to surprise them with Apple for the Teacher gifts!
Above is the tag I tied to Big Sister's teacher's apples! But first, it all started like this...

I played around on photoshop and creative a few designs. Then I just printed, cut, and tied on with some tulle! I wanted to go for a pink & green boutique feel, something girly and fun!

Then it was time to move on to the kids! I had several fun ideas that all incorporated candy. Fast forward to last Fri when a note went up on Big Sister's door, stating they could bring NO candy (because of food allergies!) So, at the last minute, it was back to square one....
But thank goodness for The Celebration Shoppe! They had a fun appreciation gift for their friends and customers - these adorable cello bag toppers! I customized with Big Sis's name on te front and photo on the back. They have a little owl on them and say You're a hoot!

I filled with fun non-edible treats - a glow stick bracelet, note pad, stickers, pencil and heart slinky! Most of these items were from the $ section of Michaels or equally cheap from CVS!
The cello bag toppers really got me thinking.... so I designed my own topper so that I could give some of the assistants and administrators some love, too! These treats are filled with hershey kisses and the topper says
Hugs & Kisses from Big Sis & G-man

I flat out ran out of time and resources for G-man's valentines (and figured the babies wouldn't notice!) So he just did a card....

Hope these ideas help inspire you (although at this point, maybe for Easter or St. Patrick's day, lol!) Here are a couple pics from yesterday's festivities...
Only in Texas, do they combine Valentine's day with a Square Dance! There's Big Sis stompin' and clappin' - she's the TALL one!

She was taking that 'swing your pardner' to heart!
And the winner is.....

Sasha's winning entry:
Sasha said...
Heath is my favorite candy bar and I'd love to have an apple with Heath!
February 8, 2010 1:25 PM

Sasha, I'll see if a Heath apple can be done for you - if not, you'll need to let me know which flavor you'd like! And I'll get your goodies mailed out as soon as it stops SNOWING! (Seriously?! 6+ inches in my lil town already and it's still going. Need I remind you that I live in TEXAS?!)
Congrats to Sasha & thanks to everyone for playing. Be watching for more giveaways, and in the meantime, stay tuned for more semi-homemade fun!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Looking back: Last year's Semi-Homemade Valentines

You can read all about it here. I ran thru Michaels last night (literally. and in heels.) and they still have all the makings of this type of project. So, if you're like me and you're feeling some last minute pressure... that's where you should head. :)
Stay tuned for this year's project!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The FIRST EVER Semi-Homemade Giveaway

Y'all know that I love the BBW foaming soap.... you'll have one of my fav scents comin' to ya!

- Become a follower of Our Semi-Homemade Life - I'd love to get to know you!
- For an extra entry, suggest what flavors you'd like to see in a gourmet apple!
- For another extra entry, blog about this giveaway and provide the link in your comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
New Year, New.... Wishful Wednesdays!

minutes in _____'s shoes!

New Year, New.... GIVEAWAY
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
New Year, New.... SHOES!
But I didn't get THESE shoes.... (this isn't the greatest pic, but these are seriously cute shoes!)