Let me say this... Yes, I've been THE world's worst blogger. I didn't even get to wish y'all Happy Thanksgiving (I hope it was full of blessings, btw!) But yes, I plan to get so much better once we moved. Who knew that my blogging was so incredibly tied to where we live? But now we know. ;)
So... an update on the house. And I'm going back tomorrow and will have MORE updates (maybe even with bedroom pics - that's missing from this one). Moving day is 2 weeks away!!! Dec 18, one little week before Christmas. And if that doesn't give you enough of a sense of my world lately.... here's a tiny peek:
~ Spent this week in a migraine. Literally from Sun until Thurs, when my OB sent me to the ER for IV meds. I finally started feeling better yesterday afternoon. Never had one, tiny headache when I was pg with Sissy. Had them with GT, but this was - by far! - the worst I've ever had!
~ Migraine and all, I traveled to Houston on Tues with my parents for my great-uncle's funeral. It was sad and sweet... and I wouldn't have missed it, even with a migraine!
~ Big Sis's big 5th birthday party is a week from today! Because I'm not supermom (duh!), and because we're in boxes, we're holding it somewhere other than home. She wanted a cooking party so.... Young Chef's Academy for a cooking party! Pics of details, invites, etc to come!
~ Oh, and remember that new job I started a month ago? Probably the biggest source of stress right now.. but that's for another time, preferably with a glass of wine (so that'll be awhile!)
But on to what you're waiting for... THE HOUSE!
I love, love the new brick and stone we picked out!
Pretty, unstained garage door. And I have a thing about lanterns... love this one!
Y'all come in! (Thru our unstained door, of course!)
The dining room. Which has since been painted under the chair rail... some beautiful color like glazed pecan or something. :)
Remember the bar from the last house? Here's this house's version.... all the cabinets in the house are a distressed black. This pic is pre-distressing!
A living room under construction.... but oh so pretty anyway....
The kitchen! Always my fav place. I have to say, mr. fix-it and I were a little nervous to paint that beautiful wood black... but we've gotta stay up with the trends, so distressed cabinets it is! And I can't wait to see them now, in all they're stressed out glory. ;)
The back yard. The patio has that odd shape because of what'll be going on at the end of it. Can't wait to see it - not sure if that's a pre-move in project or post...
And I just love the beadboard ceiling outside! I bet it's stained now - can't wait to see it!
Here's Sissy, checking out the test on the tub.... One of the biggest changes we made from the last floorplan was the layout of the bathroom. We separated the vanities, and put the tub in the middle of the room, as a focal point. I think this pic was as they'd been tiling the bathroom...
My vanity in the bathroom!
mr. fix-it's man cave! I picked the color for the walls in here and I think it's perfect (if I don't say so myself!) I wanted it to have that cigar room feel.... he has some sports memorabilia to hang in here.... Santa is bringing something that will sit on the counter and make the place smell like a movie theater... ;) Can't wait for Family Movie Night in here! Did I mention we move in 2 wks?!?!
I really have to hand it to my sweet mr. fix-it. I just can't believe what he's been able to get done. We broke ground on Sept 7 (after 3+ months of ripping our hair out with the financial world!), and wait til you see the pics I take tomorrow, Dec 5. Amazing! A beautiful house, in record time. What a lucky girl I am....