Thursday, June 25, 2009
Feel your.... boobies!

Sunday, June 21, 2009
From the Semi-Homemade Cookbook: Cowboy Ribeyes!

The cream actually thickened up a bit after I dished mine up, but....
Then it was on to dessert - s'mores! Big Sis loooooved them....
After dessert, we headed up to the movie room for Little Mermaid (Big Sister's pick, not Mr. Fix-It's!) Today was just one of those days where you can't believe how sweet life is.

I took this picture today, on Mr. Fix-It's 4th Father's Day as a daddy.
Funny how similar it looks to one of my fav pics of all time.... Mr. Fix-It with Big Sis on his first father's day as a dad.... in 2006.
Happy Father's Day to the sweetest daddy, Mr. Fix-It.... and all the daddies! Here's a picture of my crew from today... Big Sis was pouting because she wanted to be on daddy's shoulders - ha!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Where you Live Friday: Media Room, Playroom, Laundry Room

This week on Where You Live Friday over at Kelly's Korner.... it's Playrooms (what room isn't a playroom?!), Bonus Rooms (we call ours the movie room!), and Laundry Rooms (check out how this working momma gets everyone out the door in the morning!)
My hubby Mr. Fix-It is a builder and homes are our biggest hobby! In this house, we knew we were going to do a media room and we couldn't wait to start having Family Movie Nights! (We're having one tonight to celebrate Father's Day - Madagascar 2, anyone?)
The double door entrance to the theater, with our personalized wooden theater sign hanging overhead:

We've been dreaming of getting actual theater room furniture ever since we moved in a year and a half ago. But this damn recession... ;) Luckily, we've still got this furniture from early in our marriage and it's working just fine!

We've got 3 pictures hanging of old movie theaters... this is an old Hollywood theater.

And what movie room doesn't have a few framed movie posters up? Mr. Fix-It insisted on The Godfather (what manly man doesn't love that one?) ;) and we both love Walk The Line... with Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix and that cutie Ginnifer Goodwin!

We've been talking about hanging thick, nice, velvet curtains (my mom was gonna make them) on this wall with the tv.... making it more like a theater.... but it hasn't happened yet either!

This is our official playroom (although more actual playing goes on in our Living Room!) There is a tv and baskets full of toys in the black armoire, and tons of crayons and other craft supplies in the kids' desk.

Next week is Master Bedrooms - yea! I love mine (Mr. Fix-It did a good job in there), although I'm not sure it's as exciting as Big Sister's Preppy Bedroom and G-man' Pirate Nursery! Happy weekend, y'all!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Great giveaway!

More later! I've been in mtgs all day..... but I've got so many random posts, I can't decide which one to do next!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Everything

So, Sat night, Mr. Fix-It and I went out with the Everythings to celebrate Mrs. Everything's birthday. (She's the youngest of our group by several years... but I try to forget that small fact!)
Anyway, I was realizing... this is the FOURTH birthday we've celebrated with her (and it's obvious that this girl likes her Mexican food - just one of many reasons we're friends!!) This year we got babysitters and went out for fondue and wine. Yum! Last year, we went to that Mexican restaurant in Frisco that's something different everytime I drive by there. ;) The year before, Mrs. Everything was pregnant and we surprised her at a Mexican restaurant in downtown McKinney. And the year before that (the only birthday out of 4 that one of us hasn't been pregnant!), we went to a Mexican restaurant in Plano. It was H-O-T, but we ate on the patio (do you remember, Mrs. Everything?!) We didn't know each other as well then... but we had a 5 month old Big Sis with us and there were a few other couples there, as well.
Dear friend, we hope you have a wonderful birthday! Go out and check in your mailbox this morning. ;) And let us know if you want to meet us and G-man out for dinner to celebrate (again!) tonight!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A model day...

Quick update on Magaw Camp 2009. Big Sis is having the time of her life! She's gone swimming the last few days and even made a new friend there, named Cheyenne. Big Sis loves to call the shots, and she even scheduled her own playdate, telling Cheyenne to meet her at the pool tomorrow morning. We did get a call on Sun, that almost broke my heart.... after being gone for 3 days, she missed us so much and called saying, "Momma, I want you... I want to come home to Teeeex-as...." (You'll remember I've told you about her drawl!) Anyway, some reassuring words from mommy and talks of all the fun things she still had left to do, and she was fine. She's such an independent, grown up little 3 year old! Anyway, our house is unbelievably quiet and we just can't wait to see her on Friday!
Y'all know how I love to personalize...
Honestly, I'm not sure I'll be able to decide on which one(s) to get! There are so many cute ones! I really, really love the monograms (just not sure my kids would have the same appreciation for them at their ages!)
I think this would be a cute gift for a baby's 1st birthday.... I mean, what 1-year-old do you know that needs more toys?!
I'm definitely getting something like this when I'm done having kids. We have a 'Cookies for Santa' plate now, but I want something personalized! Maybe by Christmas 2011..... ;)
My sister needs to get this one for baby Carter! And don't ya think G-man needs something like this?

Cute teapots! Perfect for a little girl tea party....
I really, really love these guitar ones!
And doesn't giraffe look cute just about anywhere?
And these are just simple and clean.... from Me Oh My Paper Boutique and they're only $22!
Love the background on this...

Monday, June 15, 2009
Where You Live Friday: Bathrooms!
Now we have 4 bathrooms, which is both a blessing (y'all know how much we love to entertain out-of-state friends and family) and a curse (who has time to clean 1 bathroom?! Let alone 4!!)
So, on to the master bath.... which truly is one of the most impressive parts of our house, even though I couldn't take a good picture of it to save my life!
To the left in this shot is the walk-in shower.... to the right, the spa tub.

Just a little peek at the private bathroom... to the right of my sink!

Next up - the guestroom bath upstairs. Mr. Fix-It and I picked these mirrors. We loved them so much (and they were such a good deal at JCP!) that we bought 5 of them and used them in every bathroom in this house!

This granite is also in every bath. And the oil rubbed bronze fixtures are throughout the house as well.

This bathroom is decorated in baby blue and chocolate brown...

I initially thought this tile was too dark.... but I should have known better than to doubt the skills of the best builder around!

Her bathroom is filled with her initials/monograms - I changed these to B to match her blog name! (Didn't want you trying to guess what her B name was.... Bella? Brit?)

The animal print towels coordinate with this cross....

And a shot of the vanity....

On to the FINAL bathroom... back downstairs, right off baby G's pirate nursery. It's also right off the living room, so it gets alot of guest traffic!

Okay, okay, we have alot of iron wall hangings in our house. And fleur de lis. So what? ;)