Sunday, March 15, 2009

Puke, passing out, and the 'mumps'

OMG, y'all. It's gotten so ridiculous that I almost didn't say anything. Almost... I had just gotten done with my jog this afternoon (I ran for 30 straight minutes - 2 1/2 miles!!) and Mr. Fix-It was off to the gym. Big Sister had been in bed for about 20 min when she started crying. I marched upstairs, alreading yelling to her to pipe down and take a nap. But what I saw made me feel bad for yelling....

Big Sister. Sitting up in her bed. Skip the rest of this paragraph if you have a weak stomach, and especially if you don't have kids or pets........ are you gone yet? ;)...... A pile of puke (if any of you have ever seen a pile of dog vomit, you get the picture). More down her arm. Big Sister is bawling, super afraid because this has never happened to her.... poor thing.

As I load her bedding in the washer and get her into the tub, I'm trying to get ahold of my youngest sis who had called me crying at 8:30am. My mom was down visiting and had gotten a serious stomach bug in the night (this time I'll spare you the details.) When she got up for her 14th trip to the bathroom and didn't come back, my sister got worried. Long story short, she was passed out in the bathroom, laying on the floor against the door.... eyes wide open but nobody home and totally unresponsive. When my sister asked my mom if she should call 911 and my mom STILL didn't respond.... she called 911. By the time my sister grabbed her next door neighbor and they came back over, my mom had come to and insisted she was fine and just got too hot. My sister was still on the phone with 911 and told them all was well. Then my mom preceded to get on a 5pm flight (totally against my wishes) from Harlingen to Dallas to Tulsa. Then has over an hour drive home. She's still sick to her stomach and I'm still worried she hit her head when she fainted this morning.

~~~~~~~~~~My mom just called! She's made it on the first 2 legs and actually does sound much better, I have to admit. I'm still not happy that she didn't stay another day.... ~~~~~~

Just another chaotic day in the Semi-homemade family. Big Sister and I were actually going to do some semi-homemade Easter cookies today, but it didn't happen after the pukefest. The more I thought about it.... her (croup) cough got worse over the weekend and she'd been coughing.... I think she coughed so hard she gagged. But I knew she was fine when she ate an entire fajita for dinner. And then asked for a mumps (Thin Mint!) :)


  1. Your poor family! Well wishes for lots of speedy recoveries!

  2. Oh my word.... I am so sorry! But I am also proud of your running. But still so sorry you had such a crazy weekend. I'm glad your mom is OK. Let us know if we can ever help- we could always head up to the airport and help out in a case like that.

  3. Poor thing! Glad it seemed to be short lived.

  4. Oh, man! What a weekend y'all had! Hope it gets better soon! I have a friend here in KS who just opened her own Etsy "store" and she designs cards. Thought I'd pass on the website to you since you're a huge Etsy fan!

  5. Jess, I hope you got to see my post about your friend's Etsy shop!


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