Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm just soooo mad....

So mad that I just cried. At work. On the phone with my sister. Who, ironically, had called to vent about insurance issues. I am just. so. mad. SO mad. Why?

Insurance sucks. I'm about to email our HR dept and ask them where my premiums are going, since it seems that nothing has been covered this year. This email is NOT gonna be pretty. So far, insurance has denied:

~ G-man's helmet - deemed medically necessary to correct plagiocephaly and various other possible issues - not covered. I think I've told you that this is $3600 and we'll be paying on it until he turns TWO!
~ G-man's prevacid. My company decided this year not to cover PPIs because of the plentitude of OTC remedies. That's fine if you're a grown man, who weighs in at 200 lbs. Not fine if you're a tiny (okay, G isn't tiny, but he's still a) baby! NOTHING is approved for babes - and that's according to our ped and the American Academy of Pediatrics. HR actually told me today that I could file an appeal but that it would be denied. And that they'd review it for 2010 but couldn't make any promises. I'm so mad I could slap an HR person.

On top of that? We're in a recession.... and there's possible more bad news coming next wk on that front when it comes to jobs, etc. It's hard not to worry.

Today sucks. But there IS a bright spot.

And her name is Mrs. Everything. Not only is she going to proofread said hate mail to HR.... she's going to take G-man to his helmet appt tomorrow (thus, saving both my job and hopefully Mr. Fix-It's). God bless Mrs. Everything - she's an answer to prayer.


  1. Not nice to make the pregnant lady cry!

    We love y'all like family (and depending on the family member, maybe even more;)) and will be there to help with anything y'all ever need!

  2. I wish I was closer to join in on this helping out! What a great friend Mrs. Everything is!

  3. I work in the medical field and I feel your insurance frustrations. It breaks my heart being the bearer of bad news when it comes to our patients' coverage. (or lack thereof as it seems these days).


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