Friday, March 13, 2009

OMG - I'm going to do a 5k!

It's my first one, y'all, and I'm a little freaked out.... I have 3 wks left to "train" - eek! I'm jogging 2+ miles without stopping, so I only need to work up another mile, but.... I don't run in front of people!

Mr. Everything and I are going to participate in the Bunny Hop 5k in my neighborhood, while Mrs. Everything and Mr. Fix-It wrangle the kiddos. Afterwards is an Easter Egg Hunt, and the Easter Bunny himself will be there. There's also a petting zoo, face painting, bounce house (Big Sister will love that part), and train rides. That day is also Mr. Fix-It's birthday (he may or may not be turning 33!!) and we're going out for dinner with the Everythings without kids!!

"The 5k is challenging and certified." I don't like the sounds of that. Not one bit.

So, check in c25k'ers! Where are you in the process?


  1. Hey! I read your blog and Mrs. Everything's once in a while. It gives me a nice "break" from work!! I did the Bunny Hop 5K last year and I had just done the C25K program (idea from Mrs. Everything) and that was the first 5K I had ever done and it was awesome! So it's great that you're doing it and you'll have a lot of fun. The course is fairly flat and it's really pretty so you'll enjoy it! And for all of you out there that don't think you could ever run a 5K, you can! I was an athlete growing up, but hadn't been doing anything and last year I did the C25K program, started running a couple 5K's and then signed up for a half marathon and did that in October, so if you start out with this program and stay with it, you'll be AMAZED at what you can do! Sorry for the long comment, but wanted to say good luck and have fun!

  2. Hey, Jess!! Thanks so much for the great comment! We have lots in commen - I was an athlete... took some time off... ;) Then started the c25k after Big Sister was born. But it's been harder to build back up with 2 kiddos. I'm not a shy person except when it comes to jogging while people are watching! Thanks so much for the encouragement, I'll def check back and give an update! :)
    Hope you're enjoying life up north!


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