Friday, March 13, 2009

From the Semi-Homemade Cookbook: Dairy-free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Okay, y'all know my whole thing is semi-homemade. As in, my pretty standing mixer has only seen use a few times. Sorry, that's true. I love it, but I don't have time to use it. Until now. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Especially if it involves chocolate.
So... if you find yourself on a dairy-free diet OR if you're simply breastfeeding and want something yummy that promotes this, try these yummy cookies! Even if they ARE homemade. As in, from scratch.

1 cup shortening - or use 1 stick, it's much easier!
1 cup white sugar
1 cupe brown sugar
(I can't even believe I eat this - it's so against my normal, fairly healthy eating habits! Before this, I'd never in my life used shortening. And all this sugar? Eeek!)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

Cream together shortening and sugars in super cute, under-utilized mixer. Add eggs and vanilla - mix well.

1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
3 CUPS oats
1 cup Ghiradelli semi-sweet choc chips (they're yummy & dairy free!)

Fold the above into creamed mixture. Roll into small balls and place on greased cookie sheet. Flatten with a fork. (Hmmm, I've never noticed that part of the directions... but I don't make mine much of a ball anyway.) Bake at 350 degrees for about 12 min.

I somehow got here without the pic of the finished product, but I'll put that up later.... OMG, it's so YUMMY! I've had to get away from making a batch of these every. single. wk. It's ridiculous!

Now, if you're wanting to go the semi-homemade route for a chocolate fix, follow these easy instructions: Go to the grocery store and get some oreos. Okay, you're done! (I know, it's weird that oreos are dairy free... don't think about it for very long!)

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