Friday, February 13, 2009

Shopping for free...

It's my favorite kind of shopping!

So, as y'all know by now, we are indeed in a recession. And since you know that Mr. Fix-It is a home builder, you can imagine how that has impacted us. And I'm in retail so that's not exactly the best place to be right now either. But. Retail therapy is of the utmost importance to me, and even though I'm committed to cutting back... I still must shop. Occasionally. When I have good reason.

So, today the reason was that I had a free $10 to spend at JCP and a $50 gift card and 20% off coupon to Gap. I was committed to spending both on me, as lately I spend about 100% of my shopping $ on Big Sister and G-man. And I hadn't had a spare second at work to take a lunch break since... oh, around Halloween? So I headed off to the mall at lunch!

I love spring shopping! Gap had this pretty coral color.... I ended up getting this cute ruffle tank (and spent my 20% off coupon on it!)

The reason I had headed to Gap in the first place was for a navy sweater. Navy?! I almost cringe saying that - it brings up memories of middle school, of the navy blue/hunter green combo, of big hair.... but yes, navy will be so cute with my white capris, with a nautical top I have, with this dress that I'd totally wear to work with my brown boots if I had a navy sweater to wear over it... you get the idea. And guess what! It looks totally cute over that coral tank with the ruffle!

By the time I finished explaining to the Gap guy why I did not need a gap card (although I think I really might.. I'm going to think about it!), it was time to get back to the office. So, I grabbed a new outfit for G-man from JCP - isn't this cute?!

Those of you that know us, know our looooove of orange. I can't wait for it to warm up a bit and put G-man in this!!
Totally fun lunch! And even though G-man got a new outfit out of the deal, I still spent that Gap GC on MYSELF. It's an impressive step...

Tonight - after the kiddos are in bed - I'll try to get on and post the semi-homemade valentine's that I finished up last night (after those few drinks!)


  1. Love that stuff! I want to go shopping with you right now!

  2. Oh I love the coral top! If only it came in maternity.... or stretched enough to go around a belly this summer.


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