Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stay tuned...

I'm finishing up Big Sister and G-man's semi-homemade valentines tonight and I'll put up pics as soon as I can. They're not nearly exciting as the gifts they did for Christmas, but I'm busy and we all just have to deal with that.

Busy? What? Well, it's partly due to the fact that I'm going to dinner tonight with 2 old friends. This is exciting because:

1. They serve margaritas there
2. I need adult time and miss these girls!
3. This dinner (which was originally to get together for the holidays - as in Christmas!!) has been reschedule no fewer than 3 times. And each of those times was my fault.
- A work deadline...
- Then one of those rare snow/ice days we get in TX which causes schools/daycares to close...
- And most recently, we were going to go on the night that Big Sister took that nasty fall at school and bit thru her lip. I ended up at the after-hours clinic instead of sipping a margarita.

But I'll make up for all of that tonight... those valentines might end up looking pretty interesting...

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