Friday, February 13, 2009

Migraine madness!

I had big, big plans for tonight, while Mr. Fix-It was gone and the kids were in bed. I was going to:
- Post pics of the semi-homemade valentines that Big Sister and G-man took t school today (along with the small teacher gifts)
- Whip up a banner/header for my blog so I can be more comfy 'coming out'
- Plan the menu for tomorrow night's Valentine dinner with the Everythings
- Download new music in hope of inspiring me to start getting that 3rd jog in every week

But this little headache is turning into a massive migraine.... and Big Sister has just come down the stairs AGAIN. (Seems she's confused that Mr. Fix-It is gone tonight and she's having a hard time sleeping.) So I'm off to put her to bed. Then put myself to bed. And I'll try to regroup in the morning!

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