Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Big Fat Check

Yep, it's on it's way! And I usually use it at Starbucks for guilt-free caffeine! All of you know about this, right? If you love online shopping (and trust me, if you're a seriously time-starved working mommy like me, I know you couldn't live without it), then you simply must be on Ebates. If not, well... you're screwing yourself out of guilt-free coffee. Or shoes. Or pedis. Just go here and sign up. (But first email me and I'll send you my ebates referral email and we'll both earn an easy $5!)

Seriously, y'all, every little bit helps. My last check was over $25. Don't ya just love free shopping? Especially during a recession! ;)


  1. I'm so excited! Mine's coming too and it'll be close to $50! Mine will be going into the "guilt free Canon camera" fund ;)Especially since LC freaked at the mention of how much it was... I think he might've choked a bit :)

  2. Ooh! I'd love the referral number! I'll email you from my home email addy later.


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