Monday, February 16, 2009

Semi-homemade baby pics

Okay, I think I might have told you that (because of this damn recession), I decided to do semi-homemade 6 month pics for baby G-man instead of professional pics. (Big Sister and a super preggo me had some amazing professional pics done last summer by Kristie at, but we'll have to wait for spring for more!)

Anyway, I had a vision for these pics.... G-man in just a diaper and cute knit hat with ear flaps.... natural light on our back patio... those big baby blues... I found an amazing artist on etsy to custom knit the hat, exactly how I pictured (which makes it semi-homemade, yes?) for $11, including shipping. If you're ever in the market for something like this, check out Mighty Mama at:

She has tons of cute stuff for babies, toddlers, mommas! :) And she's really easy to work with, super accomodating.

Anyway, I can't find my PSE tutorial on how to edit to make his eyes "pop" with an intense blue. Anyone know how? I'd love to do that! Guess it shows that I've spent the last 3 years taking photos of a brown-eyed beauty! Now, I messed around a little (what an amateur!) with this photo, but I just need to find the time to edit the shoot we did yesterday (which - FINALLY! - included some pics of him in his baptismal outfit)...


  1. Love it! Can't wait to see more. I need to get P's 18 month pics scheduled...

  2. Hi! I'm here via Sasha today. I wanted to say some of my dearest friends are those I met on a birth club board a few (four? that many already?) years ago. I totally get the connection you two have!

    Secondly, great shot of a GORGEOUS baby boy. Love the hat.

    Here's some ideas on an eye pop (not sure what version of PSE you are working with):
    Flickr discussion with links to tutorials:
    and, of course, Pioneer Woman's method:

    Have fun playing! Great to "meet" you. :)

  3. Visiting via Sasha. Wish I could help with the eye "pop" but when it comes to PSE...I'm lost. I am an iphoto girl.

    The G-man is such a little cutie.

  4. Thanks for the shoutout =]
    He's adorable!

  5. E! You did great on this one! I can't believe how big G is getting. WOW. No clue on PSE, but I'm sure you can find an eye pop tutorial on google. And, looking forward to Spring. :D



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