Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Giveaway with Southern Charm

Y'all know how much I love etsy. I tell people all the time that you can find ANYTHING you'd ever want there. And if you can't find it, it probably wasn't all that great anyway.

This giveaway comes from my very, very first follower! She has a cute shop on etsy and makes these darling signs! I'm going to win, but you can go to her blog between now and Feb 25th for a chance to beat me You'll get to customize the colors and text on a sign (I love, love custom stuff!)
Visit her blog:
Winning something like this is super semi-homemade, don't ya think?

1 comment:

  1. I was just scribbling down todays entries and I saw yours! Thanks for stopping by and good luck! I love visiting my DFW blog haunts... It makes me feel like I'm back in Southlake or FW for a bit since we lived in both! Thanks for the kind post about the giveaway!


Is anyone even reading this?! ;)
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