Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Quick giveaway!

In my life there are lists. Tons of them. I'm known for my lists. (And for the record, yes, I know that there's no earthly way I'll get everything on my list done. I know...)

At my home computer, I have a calendar like the one above (but not half as cute!) that has EVERYTHING on it! The Semi-Homemades rarely go a weekend without being scheduled to the minute, so it's a must have. But my current calendar is by school year, so it ends at July!

So... if you must.... visit Whitney Caroline Designs and try to steal this calendar right from under me. Just know how much I need it.... ;)

Okay, back to work - I have 80 hrs of work to do between today and tomorrow. But be watching later this week for my Semi-Homemade End of the School Year Teacher Gifts! (Say that 3 times fast!)

1 comment:

  1. LOL I just LOVE your blog! I'm semi-homemade myself! I LOVE all the crafty stuff, but who has time to do it all from scratch??!! :) I will be waiting to see your teacher gifts..I'm intrigued! ;-)


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