Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How smart is....

Smartfood popcorn if you eat the whole bag? Damn stressful job...
I'm hoping to finish enough work to get home and tuck the kids in... before I work from home. This job. is. killing me. Or maybe that's just all the calories from this yummy white cheddar popcorn! (Seriously, have you tried this? YUMMY! But I have to fight Big Sister for it.... hence, the reason I brought it to work where it's safe! LOL!)
Okay, my reports are done printing! How fast can I get outta here?!


  1. Hope you *ran* out of there... haha, now that my hub is in school where I teach, and loving the campus, he says he can't understand why my friends and I want to get the heck outta there so much.... I say, well, we want to have a life, outside of all that, too... :)

    Smartfood sounds like a better choice than the Ghirardelli caramel brownies I made yesterday...

  2. Smartfood = best work snack EVER! I literally go floor to floor, hunting all the vending machines for it. (And we have 16 floors!) I trick myself into thinking the calcium from the cheese makes it good for me.

    Hope your work stress lets up a little soon. In the meantime, chow down!


  3. Erin, if you're walking 16 flights of stairs to get it, Smartfood IS a great snack, huh? ;)

    Mmm, brownies are my FAV. Those carmel ones sound yummy!

  4. I LOVE Smartfood popcorn!!!! I also have to hide my snacks from my little crumb snatcher... sometimes I'll eat IN my pantry so she doesn't see me...no matter how old you are, some times its hard to share.

  5. We love that popcorn!. It doesn't last very long around our house!


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