Thursday, April 30, 2009

School Bulletin - Swine Flu

Well, the swine flu is in TX. That just sounds disgusting. It's all over the news and I can't even get away from it here at work. Sounds like the consensus in the office is that it's inevitable that all school districts around here will be closing soon to protect the kiddos. Fort Worth already closed the entire district for 8 school days! We've called Mr. Fix-It's mom to see if she would be available to come down if the school closings are as contagious as the actual flu. Because with the delicate balance that both of us have at work right now... there's no way we could afford to miss 8 days while the kiddos are at home! Keep your fingers crossed we can get some family down to help if we need to! I want my kids as safe as can be.... but almost seems like they're being over-cautious right now... guess time will tell!

If you haven't been bombarded with all the info (lucky you!), this is what I received from the kiddos' school yesterday:


The Department of Health and Human Services has alerted all schools regarding the Swine Flu Outbreak. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the symptoms and make note of the rules School de Kiddos has implemented to aid in the prevention of spreading this potentially hazardous virus. We appreciate your strict compliance during this time and request that you be forthcoming and communicate with our management staff should your child have fever during this period of time.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a list of symptoms for Swine Flu in humans: “The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.”

School de Kiddos requires that all children with a fever of 100.4* or above be picked up from school. Any child or staff member with fever must have a doctor’s note to return to school. Any positive test for swine flu must be reported to our management team so that we may keep the Semi-Homemade County Department of Health and Human Services informed.

We appreciate your compliance and hope that we can work together to prevent the spread of this hazardous virus. Thank you.


  1. After talking to several mommy friends (after I dropped P off today) and LC, I went back to get her... just in case. I think they're blowing it way out of proportion, but....

    R and G can always stay over here if needed... I'll just need the 8 days of tuition you pay at School de Kiddos ;) Totally kidding! If they close and S can't come down, you can bring them to School de Chamblee! P would totally LOVE it!

  2. If only I lived closer, I would volunteer to babysit! Yours kids are adorable :)

  3. YaYa's Early Learning (OK ~ it's mainly play) Center is available for a few days if you need it...Miss Priss seems to enjoy herself while here!


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