Thursday, April 30, 2009

May Day - a "new" old Semi-Homemade tradition

Happy May Day! I grew up with a crafty mom and 3 siblings - probably safe to say, that's where I get my love for the semi-homemade lifestyle! I have lots of memories of waking up on May 1st to May Day baskets hanging from my door. They were never elaborate... in fact, they were so plain that the excitement was solely around how my mom made the day special - and not at all around a gift. And after we got up, we'd cut peonies from my dad's flower gardens and fill May day baskets for the neighbors. Ahhh, the simplicity of life then!

So, this year, my goal was to start that tradition with my kids. Except that you know what life has been like lately. So.... this project ended up being a little more SEMI-homemade than planned.... okay, alot more thrown together.... but I want to get the thought across, so this is all okay, I'm thinking. (How's that for justification?)

I started with 1 piece of construction paper (for G-man's basket) and one piece of scrapbook paper (for Big Sis's) -- these happened to be the only pieces of paper I could find in the house. I shaped them into cones and decorated with stickers (some I stole from Big Sis's endless sticker supply - some were left over from decorating G-man's helmet!)

During my quick diaper run at Target today, I picked up a couple items in the $ spot. In keeping with the tradition of filling May Day baskets with flowers, I grabbed a little plant kit and kid-sized spade. I already had a sunflower kit that I had planned to do with Big Sis - perfect to add! {May Day in Roman Catholic tradition, is a celebration of Mary's month, and often the Virgin Mary's head would be decorated with flowers. May baskets were small baskets of sweets and flowers, usually left anonymously on neighbor's doorsteps!}

For the "sweets," some tootsie rolls. And a few other "treats" - a Cinderella note pad and stickers for Big Sis, some sunglasses for G-man. All for less than $5.

Here's the final product - my semi-homemade May Day basket for Big Sis:

Oh, and notice I hung it with a big bow of tulle. I heart tulle! Seriously, I have it in every color and I use it weekly! For anything. That's a whole other topic in itself, my love of tulle. I'll enlighten you, don't you worry. Stay tuned for more on how to use it, where to get it (cheap and in a variety of colors!)

And here's how I left the basket tonight.... on her bedroom door, for her to find in the morning!

And just so you think I didn't leave out G-man! Here's his puppy dog-themed basket!

Have a Happy May Day, y'all!


  1. Oh, my goodness! I love May Day and May baskets! My mom used to make them with paper cones as well! So simple, yet effective for the kiddos - great job! And I remember my great grandma would come by our house on May Day when she knew us kids were home and she'd knock on the door, place the May Day Basket on the rug and run around to hide on the side of the house to see us find our May baskets and wonder where they came from! Thanks for helping me take a trip down memory lane to the simpler times, like you said!

  2. Jess - I'm glad we're not the only ones who like May Day! It's hard to find anyone who's ever even heard of it. Maybe it's a KS thing? ;)

  3. Precious!!!!

    Last night my hub and I were talking about May Day baskets and he googled the image... :)

    I did that once or twice as a kid and still remember and love the concept. So cute!!!

    We did it in Philly when I was little and my mom was from Ohio---


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