Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Birthdays, bowling and bang!

Y'all, a weekend at the in-laws' was exactly what I needed. And no, I'm not kidding.... I was very possibly blessed with THE. best inlaws. Ever. And with work bearing down on me like it has... I needed the mental escape.

Anyway, we traveled up to NE Oklahoma for Mr. Fix-It's dad's 70th!! birthday. It was supposed to be a pool party, but have y'all read about the oppressive heat in the south lately? It's bad when it's too hot for a pool party. So we switched to a bowling party and that was a super smart move. It just so happened to be Big Sister's first bowling trip. Check her out above (in her little bermuda short ensemble) - isn't she cute? She used the ramp-thing for little kids once... and then insisted on doing it herself. That's so Big Sis...

This is me and Mr. Fix-It.....I have to note that I scored what might be a personal best at 111!!!!!! Mr. Fix-It beat everyone with a 118... I don't think either of us has bowled in years, but we're competitive. ;) The middle picture has the birthday boy as well as Mr. Fix-It's mom and the kids.

Then on to buy the fireworks! One of the benefits of being in the country, because around here... it's all illegal! This is a crappy picture, that yes, I took THRU the dirty windshield of our truck because it was too hot to get out and take an actual picture. This fireworks stand was run by the local cheerleaders, something Mr. Fix-It swears he knew nothing about when deciding to stop at this particular stand.... um, right... ;)

This picture cracks me up and pretty much sums it up. Big Sis loved it! But hated the noise. We call her the 'noise police' at home anyway, because she's the first to boss you into turning down the tv if it gets too loud...

We didn't do anything too over-the-top.... they had a girly backpack full of stuff perfect for little kids, so that's what they got. Took out all the guess work... Too bad, Big Sis wanted to carry around a backpack full of explosives all afternoon....

Here is Big Sis in action, watching her daddy and grandpa light some snakes!

I was impressed she was so calm....

This shows a little of her fear.... but we obviously had her step back for smoke bombs...

and WAY back for the bigger stuff!

"Daddy, I'm good at this!" That's what she kept saying as she threw down the snaps as hard as she could.

A storm blew in out of nowhere, but we were able to get in a few sparklers first.... and we left the rest to do when we're back over Labor Day (for Mr. Fix-It's grandmother's 85th bday!)

And where was baby G this whole time? He came outside for parts of it, but he was way more interested in playing under the table..

and gardening. Ha! Just kidding, but he wanted to eat the baby potatoes right out of the baskets!

What a sweet weekend.... I love this kind of family time. And the country is so.... slow. I love it, such a good break from this grind.


  1. What fun! I LOVE fireworks, but also hate the noise!

  2. they are too adorable.... "daddy, I'm good at this..." that is the best.


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