Friday, May 29, 2009

Woo hoo! I won!

Susie at my flip flopz has announced that I am the winner of her stationary give away. Moi. I am insanely excited. These are perfect! I am a HUGE writer of thank you notes. Almost every week, it seems like I have someone in my life to thank for something! And these are so pretty, but casual... (Y'all know how casual I am!) Thank you, Susie! Can't wait to see them!

If you haven't checked out her blog, go!!! And she has the cutest shop on... my fav place, of course, Etsy! Go visit her here for all those cute painted signs (and more!) Don't ya think Big Sis needs this one:

Speaking of..... be watching THIS WEEKEND for the debut of Big Sis's Semi-Homemade Preppy Big Girl Room (whoa - a mouthful!) Also, a rerun (with a couple updates, I hope) of G-man's Pirate Nursery for Kelly's Where You Live Friday!

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