Monday, May 4, 2009

My sister is having a baby


She just called me on my way in to work to tell me that her water broke and she's on her way to the hospital. OMG! I'm so excited! She took this super cute pic that she was going to use to announce his name... and she was going to send me the early edition (no one else knows his name)... and it may/may not be in my email, which I can't access right now for some reason. But when it comes up (and IF it's in my email), I'll post it here for all eyes to see! It's a cute name!

In the meantime, this pic is perfect for a baby boy who will have the cutest semi-homemade whale nursery!

Details and pics of the cute bundle of joy to come. Woo hoo! (My stomach is a little cranky this morning... not sure if it's the last of that stomach bug, the excitement of the news, or both!)


  1. Wow, how exciting! I can't wait to see pictures!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! Wonderful news! Babies make me so happy. :)


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