Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mmmmm..... cupcakes!

Do y'all know Kimmie at Full Circle Adventures? She is THE expert on all things cupcakes! She used to live in my area, and if she still did.... well, I'd be commissioning some of her amazing works of edible art for G-man's birthday party (among other things!)

Just LOOK at all the amazing things she's found! Every Sunday she does her scrumptious sundays. I asked if she'd ever done pirates as a theme..... she hadn't, but she got right to it. This girl does not disappoint. Look at all the amazing ideas she's found! (And be sure to check in with her every Sunday for a new theme. I love themes!)

yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me......... ANOTHER post from Kimmie for precious g-man! Look at this cake she found.... I'm thinking even I could do that. Right? Maybe with Mrs. Everything's help? ;) I've just got to find a fun pirate play set for the top of the cake!
And these semi-homemade pirate cupcakes are totally up my alley and definitely in the running for g's birthday party.... they're perfect for an outdoor party, don't ya think? No forks, no plates, just a bunch of kids running around with chocolate icing smeared all over themselves... and I can think of a million ways to personalize that cute little cupcake ship sail....

Thanks, Kimmie! You're the best!! :) Oh, and she even tagged me with the Awe-Summm Award. Stay tuned - I'll fulfill my duties in accepting it and who knows? Maybe I'll even bestow it upon YOU! ;)

Oh, and Mrs. Everything and I did make it to the Dallas Etsy event yesterday. More on that to come!

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