Thursday, May 21, 2009

I just can't help myself... ANOTHER Semi-Homemade Birthday Party!

Y'all know that I love, love parties. Entertaining. Birthdays. Love the brainstorming and planning, even though (we all know) I struggle to carry out the actual plans. And that I always get some semi-homemade snuck in there.
Well, I've been planning Big Sis's 4th birthday party (in my head) ever since her 3rd birthday was such a disaster.... okay, not disaster, but not as I had planned. Big Sister's birthday is 4 days after Christmas (for any of you planning when to have your children, I'd highly recommend that you avoid your sig other the month of April... trust me!)

Anyway, last Christmas, we had a dozen out-of-state guests for G-man's baptism and Christmas... G-man was also super sick (with RSV - we've only been off the breathing machine a few wks now!) and her birthday party just never got planned. At least not to the degree I was hoping. The Semi-Homemade Safari Birthday Party turned out to be super fun. You can read all about it - we took The Everythings with us and the kiddos had a blast! (And the parents did, too!)

But since then.... I've been planning her next birthday, a cookie themed party. The premise was to bake a ton of sugar cookies and have kids over in mid-December to decorate them. They could take home their creations in cute cellophane bags and give to their family. I have tons of ideas for decorating, menu, etc.... just picture 2 crock pots - one with hot chocolate, one with a warm, spiked cider (the recipe is from Mrs. Everything and it's seasonal and yummy and totally necessary for parents at a birthday party with their small children). Picture kids running around in aprons with their names monogrammed... holiday music... ahhhh....

Anyway, imagine how excited I am to see that Design Dazzle did this exact theme! Look at all these great ideas!
I love, love the tile picture of the birthday picture. I'm not sure how... but I'm going to try to recreate something like this of Big Sis.... And the milk jugs and all the personalized tags....
And here's a cake. Love the dots. And while the yellow & brown is cute... I'd be surprised - knowing Big Sis - if we didn't opt for maybe PINK and brown instead. I'm just saying...

Anyway, before you ask, YES.... I know I have a problem.... I know it's crazy to plan birthday parties out this far in advance.... but this is the creative stuff I love! I live for this.... for bouncing my ideas off my sister and Mrs. Everything.... now, how do I figure out how to make a living on this fun stuff and quit working so hard? ;)


  1. Thanks for your kind comments about Design Dazzle! I'm sure your cookie party will be darling:)

  2. I have a recipe for eggless cookie dough - it's GREAT for making cookie dough cupcakes, cookie dough truffles, or just eating plain. It's awesome to get to eat the "raw" cookie dough without the worry of the eggs!

  3. Love the idea! I'm coming for some of that cider :)

  4. Love, love, love it!! And totally able to pull it off, even working crazy hours...

    And yay for spiked cider! I have 3 bottles of Apple Pie Liquor just for this recipe. And I'll be able to partake in December!!! Baby Girl might have bottles only that night and I'll pump and dump ;)

    I *think* the picture would be totally easy... just blow up one... we can do Costco 12x12 and then use the paper cutter to make even squares... then mount it on foam core or whatever!! I'm sure there's some website out there that would cost a bazillion dollars, but this way would give the same effect.

  5. I don't think you're crazy for starting to plan Big Sis' birthday party already...I'm just really, truly impressed! My M.O. is to send out invitations a month beforehand and, about 2 weeks later, to suddenly realize the party is right around the corner and I need to figure out what I'm going to do about it. Then I go to Target and see what they have for party supplies to see what my theme is going to be. You could probably make a lot of money planning parties for people like me. :-)

  6. sounds like fun!!! when it's all planned then you have nothing left to do but enjoy it... ;0

    have you looked at

  7. my daughter has the same birthday and will be 4 this year...we did this theme last year..i will have to try and find photos...we did chinese take-out containers that the kids could put their cookies in with a personalized sticker on them and tied a letter cookie cutter to each box for the guests first initial. we had a table with icing, one with sprinkles and one that was cookies fondue so they could make chocolate covered oreos, etc. we did bright pink and chocolate brown for the colors and her cake looked similar to the one pictured by had a bite taken out of it. i also had the caterer do a mason jar filled with a gourmet cookie mix and the recipe tied to the jar with a note that said..thanks for taking time out of your busy holiday schedule to make our party so sweet. i am always so touched to see how many people make an effort to come to her party...we are doing a pajama party this year for #4..9am-11am kids show up in their pajamas for breakfast and a movie...and a bloody bar for the parents

  8. Oooh, great comments on this! In case any of you check back...

    Kimmie - email me that recipe!
    MaryBeth - bring Luke (and Owen!) in Dec - there will be a mug of cider with your name on it.

    Court - I'm banking on your help for this party. ;) Glad to see you're already up for it!

    Miss Bliss - I've NEVER seen that website! Hmmm.... I have a MILLION (literally! okay, almost a million) small bus ideas... thank you!

    Grove Gals - AWESOME ideas! thank you! So, do our girls have the EXACT same birthday, same year and everything? How cool!


Is anyone even reading this?! ;)
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