Monday, April 13, 2009

You take the good, you take the bad, you take it all....

Y'all. I'm grumpy. And I seriously never wake up grumpy. (Now, before you classify me in that group of really annoying women who is perky all the time, please know this... at some point in my day, as early as my commute or even occasionally in the parking lot of daycare, someone makes me grumpy. I just don't wake up that way.)

Anyway, I'm not going to say much because if I did, it would just sound whiney. About how tired I am that I'm so incredibly busy that on some days I literally don't have time to pee. That - even though I know there are tons of other busy moms out there just like me - it seems like there's no way anyone could be as busy as I am. That no one starts their day by 5:30 and doesn't finish til 11 and is at a dead run the whole time. Oops, guess I did say that. Just slipped out.
And that picture? That's from the LAST time Big Sis had strep throat. Which she has again. At least that's my diagnosis.... we're leaving in 5 minutes to have it confirmed by a professional. Mr. Fix-It is attending a big time meeting this morning, then coming home at lunch so I can get some work in and attend an important meeting, too. From 3-5. Sigh.
At least my sickie is being super sweet and has been my reason to smile this morning. She just said.... Momma, I love you SOOO much. You're the best mommy to me. Awww.....


  1. So sorry about the strep throat...and everything else! I don't know how you do it all. I can barely keep it together with my 30-hour-a-week job. I had such good intentions this year of taking an Easter picture of the kids to send out to friends and relatives, and I just could never find the time to take a single picture. Not only did you manage to get great pictures, but you put them together in an adorable card! Before Easter, even! I think you're doing great, but I can totally relate to the feeling of being in over your head and just wanting a few minutes to yourself once in awhile. I try to remind myself that years from now I'll miss the chaos of having young kids and wish I didn't have so much time on my hands. But sometimes it's really hard to picture even being able to eat a hot meal again.

    Hang in there & I hope Big Sis is feeling better soon!

  2. Oh dear! I hope she feels better soon! What sweet words for her to say to you, must have melted your heart!

  3. Oh dear! Hope she feels better soon and you all sail through without too much 'trauma'! (How incredibly sweet for her to say that, especially when she is probably feeling so terrible!!) :)

  4. Thanks to all of you for the well wishes. And Becky, you're totally right - I know I'll miss it someday! Too bad it can't be more evenly spread out, huh?


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