Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Semi-Homemade Easter Card

The plan: to take my sweet, happy, well rested kiddos to a nearby park (complete with a pond, gazebo, flowers) on a sunny, warm Sunday to take Easter pictures. Then, while those sweet kids napped, I'd leisurely pull together the cutest Easter card you've ever seen.

The reality: Sunday was cold and as windy as the Land of Oz. There was no way we'd be able to get a decent picture outside and Big Sis would have frozen in her sweet seersucker dress. So... Big Sis wasn't happy because she had caught wind of the plan to be outside and was sad it had gotten squashed. As for G-man... After being fine with being off schedule all day on Sat (at the 5k, Egg Hunt, hair cut, etc), he wanted to change his schedule when Sunday rolled around. And be mad about it. Hence, we took the pictures of a sleepy G baby and his irritated Sister inside in our dining room. And in the midst of a mile long to-do list, I threw together a card in 5 minutes so I could mark something off that long list.
(Don't ya love photoshop? I mean, fancy it is not, BUT at least it's custom!)

So, I present you.... this year's semi-homemade Easter card...

The Semi-Homemade Family wishes you a blessed Easter!

And here's to hoping that we score some much improved pics on the actual day! After putting in 80 hrs at the office by noon on Fri, I'll be escaping so that we can head to my inlaws in Pawhuska, OK (ever heard of it?) I'm lucky to have THE best inlaws who make visiting fun and RELAXING. Ahh, I can almost hear the sound of nothing to do already... I love that.

~~~Oh, and if you're looking for another fun and easy Easter craft to do with your kiddos, check out this DIY Chick & Bunny Treat Holders!


  1. I think they turned out great! I LOVE G's hair! I know I keep saying that, but it totally changes his personality... or maybe it matches his personality now.

  2. SO cute! Very impressive. Did you use a template or ?

  3. Nope, no template. This is embarassing, but I don't even know HOW to use a template! I just throw some stuff at the page and see what sticks. ;) hanks!

  4. Adorable! Such beautiful smiles!


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