Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mr. Fix-It and G-man BOTH get older!

Happy birthday, Mr. Fix-It! The big 33..... and it was a good one! Mr. Fix-It kept saying all day that he couldn't have asked for a better birthday! We started his special day with my very first 5k (more on that). Then the Everythings came with us for a big Easter Egg Hunt...
....complete with bounce house, real bunnies, face painting, train rides!
After lunch and naps, it was on to hair cuts for the kiddos! Big Sis was so still as she got her nails painted - she's growing up!
And G-man.... omg, my baby is no longer a baby! Just look how cute he is with his new 'do! Here's a before of his messy mop:

His first hair cut...
And his super cool, big boy look! (Sniff, sniff!!)

We got home just in time to throw ourselves together while the babysitter and the Everythings were showing up. (I had planned to have some time to do my hair/makeup and look fab, but... it didn't happen so I just had to get over it!) We made the rounds. First, dinner at Roy's - it's a Hawaiian fusion place. We started with some sushi (and a Hawaiian martini for me!), then I tried something new and it was amazing! It might have been Dynamite Crusted Hawaiian Kajiki with panko crusted vegetable sushi roll.... looking at the menu, that one looks the closest.

Then on to Gordon Biersch to watch some Final 4, have some drinks, and tell some stories! And then... dessert at Cheesecake Factory. SO fun!! Mrs. Everything snapped this picture on her phone - it's us with the bday cheesecake we shared (and it's the only pic from the night - I meant to bring a camera!)

Big Sis helped me decorate this cake for Mr. Fix-It... professionals, we are NOT! Cake and gifts on Sunday and that wraps up his birthday weekend.
Hope you enjoyed it, Mr. Fix-It! Happy birthday, babe...


  1. You looked fab last night!! We had a ball... just totally sucked that P didn't want to sleep last night and LC and did!!

  2. Happy Bday Mr. Fix-It! You guys are going to catch up with the Sashas before long....

  3. Such great pics! I LOVE the new do for Gman!!! Super cute!


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