Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Look what we had to do tonight...

Okay, so G-man has been on breathing treatments since the day after Christmas (with a two week exception in January). For the last couple months, we've just been doing the preventative meds... but tonight we had to bring in the real stuff. Poor g.... he got a cough sometime over the weekend and we've been watching it closely - we know how it can go from okay to dangerous in the blink of an eye. Tonight he was wheezing when I picked him up at school.

I'm hoping that since we know the drill, we can prevent my 3rd trip to the pediatrician in less than a week....
It's no wonder that one of the baby's favorite toys is empty! medicine bottles. They're everywhere the eye can see!


  1. Oh my, that brings back memories from childhood -- I remember sometimes preparing those treatments for a sibling. Sending good thoughts for his speedy recovery!!

  2. Hope his cough is better soon, poor guy. We have done LOTS of breathing treatments at our house, and amazingly we have outgrown them (I think!) Hopefully the nebulizer won't have to be a permanent fixture in your house forever :)


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