Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Easter Bunny knows me so well...

Y'all, isn't the Easter Bunny the sweetest thing? I mean, he knows me so well.... And seriously, it was like Christmas morning if you saw all the stuff he brought for the kids. (And I want to give myself some credit... I usually go totally overboard for holidays, but with this damn recession, I didn't. And I tried to influence what the grandmothers bought, too, so that the kids got clothes!)

So, y'all know by now how easy I am to please. Seriously, if you ever want something from me, a Sonic gift card is all it takes to get in my good graces. (Wait, now I'm wondering... just what does the Easter Bunny want from me?!) ;)

I also got one of the Sweet Potato Queens novels. We all know I have no time to read.... but this author is SO funny that I'll find time somehow, even if it's in the wee hours of night. Start with The SPQ's Book of Love and God Save the SPQs - if you love Southern girly humor (and who doesn't?), you'll love, love these books!

And somehow the Easter Bunny must have known that after a seriously long obsession with foamy soap from Bath and Body Works... the recession has reduced us to using foam Dial or some other sort of soap that I most likely bought for super cheap at CVS. Because he got me some. Watch out, Mr. Fix-It, I might be in love with the Big Bunny by this point...
Oh, and one other thing of note. The Maclaren stroller organizer. I think it's totally lame that you don't just GET a cup holder with that hefty price tag. And honestly, if we would have been living in the recession then like we are now... I wouldn't even have asked for that stroller, even though it was a gift! But that's beside the point... the stroller IS orange, so... :)

We did continue with our tradition of the Easter Bunny bringing new swim suits for the kids. Neither of which are online (geez!) so I had to take a couple quick shots of them.

Won't Big Sis be too cute in the halter tankini? We got her a one piece for her 3rd birthday when we went to Great Wolf Lodge for her Semi-Homemade Birthday Party.

And because we're throwing G-man a pirate themed first birthday this summer at the beach club, he got these pirate trunks and matching hat!

He got quite a few pirate items, including this cute foam book.

Now..... I've got to run. We've got our HUGE LINE REVIEW today (yikes!)! And this morning Mr. Fix-It and I decided that we'd better head to OK tonight, instead of tomorrow morning as planned, because of the severe weather forecasted for tomorrow. So.... picture a re-do of the whirlwind that was the time we left for OK 3 wks ago. I haven't packed and had to throw in a load of laundry this morning on my way out the door. Work will run late for both of us tonight, so we'll be racing to see who can get the kids before daycare closes. And I hope that we can make it to my parents' house not long after midnight. You can say it, we are crazy. I know. But we have a fun weekend ahead - more on that later!


  1. I hope you have a save trip to OK...and find a Sonic on the way! Yum!

  2. Where do I sign up with your bunny?! Great gifts. Plus, I love gifts like the soap where it seems "small" but it really is such a treat because you wouldn't buy it for yourself! CUTE bathing suits :)

  3. Looks like the Easter Bunny was just fabulous this year! What thoughtful gifts!


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