Monday, April 27, 2009

Bluebonnets and Texas....

Go together like little kids and picture day. Um, okay, maybe not.... So, the wind was FIERCE and kinda freaked G-man out.... Then add us, not-so-gently reminding Big Sis to STOP pulling her brother's head so that it was pointed at us (she likes to 'help,' what can we say?).... and you get 2 kiddos who look like this:

I had zero time (duh) to really look thru the pics and do any editing, but this was my early favorite... We've decided that the candids are the way to go with these 2 crazy munchkins. ;)

Here is daddy, getting some lovin'....

And me with my precious kiddos - I miss them so much today! And you, too, Mr. Fix-It!

We had THE most amazing weekend, the one I've just been craving to have..... no company, no travel, no plans - just us. We watched a movie at home, we stay-cationed to Puerto Rico in our own kitchen (pics, recipes and commentary to come!), we played outside, we took these pics, and we had a celebratory lunch in G-man's honor (flat head graduation, ha!) at Red Robin (I had never been there before - YUMMY!) It was so much fun, I wouldn't mind doing it again. Often.


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Glad you got some rest.

  2. ha ha ha. Love the pictures, but makes me miss Texas!

  3. Good pictures! Glad you had a nice, relaxing weekend.

  4. the kids are adorable! great setting for the pics... so cute with the candids... :)

  5. These are GREAT :) Love the candids!
    PS I gave you an award:


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