Monday, April 6, 2009

7 years!

Seven years ago, in little ole Stillwater, OK... I became Mrs. Fix-It. ;) The picture above is from the night we got engaged. I haven't changed a bit, huh? And look how young we were! It was Sept 2001 and we were on a getaway in Vegas. From the top of the Eiffel Tower, Mr. Fix-It proposed, and it all began. Ahhhhh..... it was awesome.

This is one of our engagement pictures. (Sorry for the quality on all these - I had to scan them in. Digital just wasn't around back then!) I can't get over how YOUNG we look! And look what Mr. Fix-It thought he was getting when he married me - young, skinny, BLONDE!

And this is our wedding day, which will always be one of the most amazing days ever. April 6 can be tricky for weather in Oklahoma, but it was beautiful. To this day, Mr. Fix-It and I can both still remember the sermon our priest gave for our wedding. We did everything for the reception ourselves - it was truly semi-homemade before I even realized what that meant. It was simple, low-key and focused on making sure our family and friends could have fun with us. I think tonight I'll get the album out and look through it again.
Speaking of tonight.... I've got a tough week ahead at work, but I've promised to leave work by 6ish tonight so we can get home and celebrate. We're going to pick up some dinner and enjoy being at home with the kiddos. If we can even find a VCR in our house, we're going to watch our wedding with Big Sis for the first time - should be fun!

Happy anniversary to my sweet husband! I couldn't have even imagined being so happy and living this wonderful life with you and two sweet kids. I love you mucho. :)


  1. Awww..and there slipped a tear. You are living the life you were meant to live and I could not be happier for you!

  2. You look so different with blonde hair! But what are you talking about, you're still skinny. Beautiful pictures!

  3. Look at how sweet you guys are!!! I love it! Happy anniversary!!


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