Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend Family Fun

Doesn't this just say SPRING to you? Ahhhh, it was so nice in TX this weekend. Here's Big Sister chasing bubbles. My mom and sister were here for some shopping for my sister's upcoming new arrival! Here's Big Sister with that baby belly:

Here's a rare sighting of baby g sans helmet! Don't they look like an old couple, sitting on the porch, just chatting as the world passes them by?

A super, super rare picture of ME!! It's kinda dark.... but truth be told, that's probably a good thing! ;)

Oh, what a weekend! I did some Easter shopping, too.... time to start thinking of semi-homemade Easter ideas!


  1. I *love* the picture of them on the porch! He is just so handsome!

  2. Oh my word! I think the pic of R and G needs to be enlarged and framed ASAP!!! Adorable as always.


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