Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Semi-homemade Spring Centerpiece

Y'all. This is so incredibly easy, so incredibly simple and clean and fresh looking. So semi-homemade. It doesn't even require any direction.

Just find the cheapest lemons you can. (This is about a bag and a half from Sam's - each bag was about $3. The fake ones would be cheaper in the long run.... but I'm all about cheap and cheerful for now. Plus, I won't have to store these somewhere when I'm over the whole lemon idea.) Dump the lemons into a glass container, vase, bowl, whatever... and you're done.

This makes me want to start making lemonade... mmm... I love fresh lemon slices in mine. Happy Spring!


  1. My centerpiece is a pile of random papers, "art projects", and unread mail. :-P

    I like your lemon centerpiece much better! Very clever and springy!

  2. I'm going to buy lemons now! Love it! Now if I can just get my dining room table cleaned off...

    Got your comment! Yes, I have a blog, but it's pretty boring. Started it a year ago when we moved 9 hours from family, just to share pictures. I'm no where near as professional as you ;)


Is anyone even reading this?! ;)
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