Thursday, March 19, 2009

LOTS of cool stuff

Okay, in the last week or so, I've come across - or been sent! - lots of cool stuff that I've just gotta share (in hopes that I can restrain myself from purchasing 1 of everything!) Here we go....

1. Let's start with ETSY!! And this one's a giveaway! How cute is this little monkey shirt?

Amber at RockerByeBaby is doing a giveaway, so go check it out! Did I ever tell you that I won that really cool skull soap she was giving away a couple wks ago? I've never won anything, it totally made my day!

2. More ETSY! Jess let me know that a gal pal of hers up in KS has started a new Etsy shop (Mr. Fix-It and I lived there for 4 years - after college but before kiddos!) She has the cutest cards - don't ya love this one?
And this one? Awww..... Thanks for sharing, Jess! And good luck to your friend! It's a dream of mine to get crafty and start selling stuff on etsy!

3. Spring fabric! Mrs. Everything and I have more sewing plans than we (okay, she's the one that sews!) have time for! But she sent me some fabric sites to look at and I just looooove this one. I'm going to commision a dress be made of it for Big Sis.

4. Meal Registry - isn't that the coolest idea?! All you do is sign up for a free account with MealBaby and you can have people schedule to bring you meals! (Where was this last August?) I've sent it to my sis - I'm thinking that, as hostess of her baby shower, I could email out invites to her friends, inviting anyone that wants to help to sign up for a night to bring dinner. It's really cool!! I started to set one up for my sis and you include what dates are available, how many portions they'd need for their family, food likes/dislikes/allergies. You can also click on which restarants are local to you, so that long distance friends (or friends that don't cook) can send you a giftcard to a place you could actually use. HOW COOL IS THAT?!

5.. Spring kids clothes! I think Big Sis would look sooooo cute in this... from Gymbo, of course:
The tank has a ladybug and says little lady
And the shorts - too cute!
And I'm loving, loving whales - talked my sister into decorating her baby-on-the-way's nursery in them! (Watch for a post on her semi-homemade nursery in a month or 2!) Anyway, a cute hoodie for g-man
Okay, I think it's time to head out of the office, enjoy the weather, and catch some scores - it's March Madness, y'all!


  1. WHERE did you find that green giraffe fabric? LOVE IT! My diva would look ADORABLE in a sundress..

  2. Thanks again for the blog! Your soap should be showing up any day now!

  3. Good point, Natalie! It's from Premier Fabrics and I'll make the picture clickable. Thanks! :)

  4. Thanks for sending me the link to your blog! Looking forward to reading about how you & the kids are doing. I do still blog - not as often as I used to, for lack of time - but it's

    Do you have more than one sister, or is this the one who was due the same time as I was, in September 07? (I seem to remember that she actually delivered in August, though.) How exciting, you get to be an auntie again!


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