Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just a few requests...

I haven't ever really posted anything like this, but here are a few things I'm praying for right now.... and would love if you could add to your prayer list, or think positive thoughts or wish well or whatever it is that YOU do!

Baby Stellan - I have his button at the top of my blog and I just can't get him or his momma out of my mind this wk. I don't know why I feel so connected to them - probably because her posts are amazing.

***The rest of this list will seem totally insignificant in comparison, but a few much smaller things...

The Semi-Homemade Family. After being fairly certain that Mr. Fix-It's job would be safe (due to the fact that he totally rocks at his job and is currently #3 in the whole DFW!!), we're no longer certain. At all. Rumors are freakin' rampant, with the current one being that they will go down to 3 builders. Strictly by the numbers, that would be Mr. Fix-It and 2 others. But we all know that politics and whatever else can come into play, making Mr. Fix-It the first to fall to the chopping block if someone below him is being protected. We just hope to know by tomorrow, honestly... We've been preparing for this since Oct - and with much intensity for the last 3 months... There will be so many bridges to cross, and we can do it. But it won't be easy. I am definitely inspired by so many other people I know (IRL and blog-land and other places) that are going through the same thing.

Lastly, the weather. Sat is my sister's Semi-homemade Baby Shower in Oklahoma and now it's supposed to SNOW tomorrow!! We've had not-so-great recent luck in driving in bad weather, so we're obviously concerned. Esp since we're toting both the kiddos with us. As hostess and sister of the mom-to-be, I simply must be there. And I will be. Do you hear me, weather?!


  1. Done! Added to my prayer list- thinking about you....

    And baby Stellan has been on my mind also.

  2. Thinking positive thoughts for you...that's a lot to be dealing with right now and I hope it all turns out wonderfully.

    So sad about Baby Stellan...I really feel for him and his family. What a scary situation. I'm counting my own blessings right now.


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