Friday, March 20, 2009

Calgon, take me away.....

Yesterday, I got this pic as a text from Mr. Fix-It.

He was at the pool at The Flamingo (we've never stayed there before, but great location and the pool doesn't look half bad. AND a good choice for us in this recession!) I proceeded to text him a picture of where I was. At Sonic getting a vanilla diet coke. Using the last of that giftcard from my sweet (33 wks pregnant!) sister.

Anyway.... I want to go here:

And isn't this bikini cute? I would be wearing this:

And then I'd change into this for drinks tonight...

A girl can dream, huh? And that's about it, at this point. ;)


  1. You can dream all you want, BUT we're going SOMEWHERE THIS summer, sans children and husbands! If they can do it, so can we. And besides, we totally deserve it, recession and all!!

    I'm in LOVE with the suit and the dress. I'd wear it when I order my virgin pina colada.

    Oh 2010, get here soon please ;) This momma needs a patio and an alcoholic beverage!

  2. So cute! I could totally see you in both. If I were about 20 pounds lighter, I could see me in both too. Guess I need to run a lot harder and a lot faster...:)

  3. I left you something on my blog today!


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