Sunday, February 1, 2009

There's no denying it now.... I'm in my 30's

And I'm not just now getting to the party either! So, I'm 31... okay, let's move on.

But really, I had the. sweetest. birthday yesterday. Especially considering I had a super sick husband and baby and Big Sister had strep. The weekend before, sweet husband (he's a builder... let's call him Mr. Fix-It and when I come up with something clever we'll change it).... took me to the mall where he had me pick out a super cute outfit from Gap. Now, this outfit suggested I'd be spending time at a spa.... but never in my wildest dreams would I have come up with this!

My sweet friend Mrs. Everything (who helped plan this whole thing - lucky me to have such a dear friend!) picked me up Sat morning with a soy vanilla latte (that's a whole other topic in itself... that I've gone dairy-free while nursing my sweet baby boy G-man. Anyway, that's my current fave at the 'Bucks... As we're discussing how nice it will be to get some grown-up girly time without wiping up spit up or feeding someone or even hearing the word "mommy," she drives us there.... to Cooper Spa! This is a super nice, we-can't-afford-it-in-this-recession spa.

OMG, it was amazing... I was pampered for hours! First a massage. Usually, I don't have the attention span for massages and I don't relax well.... that doesn't make me a very good massage participant. But I didn't want this one to end! Then on to a facial - my first one! (I'm sure the tech could tell!) Then manis and pedis and lots of good girly talk. We left and had lunch and both kiddos were up from naps when I got home. Heaven. Just the best. I love you, Mr. Fix-It and Mrs. Everything!

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