Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spring shopping alert!

Oh, that evil Gymbo is at it again! They know exactly how to talk to me and reel me in.... They sent me THE. cutest. Easter outfits for Big Sister and G-man. Just check out this precious dress:
Mrs. Everything - we're going to have to get your sewing into full gear (sometime... when you have time for that... ha!) and try to come up with a recession-proof version!
And wouldn't little G-man look adorable in this.... minus the hat, of course, because by then he'll be helmet free and we'll want everyone to be able to stare at that perfectly symetrical, round noggin of his. Especially at the price it came. More on that later. maybe.

BUT.... something I'm definitely planning to buy, just as soon as I can get myself to a Target.... how super-duper cute are these nautical flip flops?
Ahhh, makes me want to ditch that upcoming mtg and head straight there now. Big Sister has on a tshirt with anchors today.... we're feeling the nautical vibe. And it has nothing to do with my desire to scoop up my family and leave town (and all our problems!) and jump on a boat to paradise. Well, maybe it does...


  1. That Gymbo stuff is precious..... Are the flip flops for you?

  2. OOps! Yep, Sasha... those flip flops have MY name on them! I think they're $12... and I couldn't find them online, so I hope they're in stores here!

  3. They are in stores here!!! I was thisclose to buying them the other day.

  4. I will definitely be purchasing those shoes at my next Target trip.
    And I love Gymbo.. CUTE stuff, sometimes a little overprices.
    Check out The Children's Place. Their spring dresses are ADORABLE and they have coordinating boy clothes of all ages.


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