Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Where You Live Friday: the Dining Room

It's time for Where You Live Friday at Kelly's Korner again! I told y'all I'd be late, with the holiday weekend and all... In fact, I'm trying to finish this up before the kiddos get up from their naps - Mr. Fix-It and I are on vacation today!!! Woo hoo! And when they get up, we're playing outside with some new water toys!

My dining room is done, except for curtains... Wish I could find the swatch of fabric that I found when shopping with Mrs. Everything... it would make PERFECT drapes in this room. A dark brown with an orang-ish damask pattern (the color would match the walls in the guest suite!)

The view from the kitchen, which is how I usually end up in the dining room.

My dining room with one of my semi-homemade centerpieces - don't ya just love a bunch of lemons? So fresh and spring-y!

I love the chair rail and the color below it,especially......

Took us ages to find a dining room table we wanted! Nothing too traditional with scrolls, etc.... but def not anything modern either....

Entering the dining room from the entryway...

Okay, just thought I'd add in one more to show off the ceiling - love it! (Good job, Mr. Fix-It!)

Okay, and this isn't my dining room, but look what's in our backyard today! This is one of THREE gigantic hawks! Isn't that crazy? We've never had anything like this in our yard before...


  1. Oh my word! That's almost scary if the kids are playing out there.

  2. LOVE your dining room (no surprise)! Love the light fixture, so elegant without being frilly.

  3. We present a variety of dining room furnishings for your dining ideas.


Is anyone even reading this?! ;)
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