Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day - from the ER

Now, before you panic, know that everything is now fine. Or mostly fine. But it was the scariest mom's day I hope to ever have!

Let me walk you thru how the weekend was supposed to go. Sat morning the kids got up bright and early and Big Sis walked in with a big smile on her face and money in her hand and said - Happy mother's day! Mommy, this is for you! To go shopping! Let's go NOW!

We had so much fun (I always feel better after retail therapy, but it's been few and far between with this damn recession!) We picked up our wedding picture that we had custom framed (yes, it took us 7+ years!), and then off to the mall! I got a few things, including some STEALS at the Gap. I got this cute, comfy dress for $22!
And it has pockets, which I loved at church yesterday for holding G's paci, toys, etc! (Sounds dorky, but it's not... okay, I don't think it is...) I also got this shirt (at Express), which I'm wearing today:

We had lunch at Corner Bakery (I'm a huge sandwich lover!!), grilled hamburgers for dinner and watched a movie with the kiddos. Sigh... the best day we've had in ages.
Sunday, we went to church and both kids were good. Angelic, even. Love that. Mr. Fix-It leaned over at one point and said..... the left side of my mouth feels numb. We both thought it was odd, moved on...

An hour after church ended, we were heading to brunch with The Everythings, who we honestly hadn't seen in over a month. Which is crazy. We were looking forward to it soooo much! And the menu sounded yummy, too:

But on the way there.... Mr. Fix-It told me that now his left cheek was numb. And the left side of his forehead. And the left side of his throat. And maybe his leg. I don't know medicine, but the only thing I could think of was stroke.... we swung by brunch and told The Everythings that we were headed to the ER.

At admissions, things got scary. When he told them what was going on and for how long (2 1/2 hrs by then), all of a sudden there was a flurry of madness. They were yelling at people to get there stat, that they had a possible stroke victim and time was important. Scary. Even scarier... he started to fill out the sign-in sheet, but passed it to me. Said he couldn't fill it out. OMG. (Turns out, he was just scared, but couldn't think of what month we were in!)
By the time we got back to his room (I had to fill out paperwork), he had 4 people working on him, and he was hooked up to all sorts of stuff. If I wouldn't have had the kids with me, I'd have been bawling. It was one of the scariest times in my life.
The Everythings came to get the kids and put them down for naps. (Lifesavers! Again! What would we do without them?) And they put Mr. Fix-It thru a series of tests, including a CAT scan. And after several hours... it all came back.... normal? It's one of those times where you don't want them to find anything wrong, but if they don't, you feel like you're not getting answers. You know? Mr. Fix-It is a gym guy - he lifts weights alot. And it could be a pinched nerve... he'd been complaining about his shoulder for a couple days. So, for now, he's going to follow up with his doctor and I'm going to watch him like a hawk. Because they said this could be the precursor to something bigger..... and to watch. And I will be.
All in all, my mother's day weekend was super sweet. My family spoiled me on Sat. And on Sunday, I got a reminder that I was definitely due for.... that family is precious and my top priority. That the other stuff, doesn't matter. Work will still be there, but time with loved ones is precious. Mr. Fix-It, I couldn't do this all without you. And I wouldn't want to. I love you, mucho!


  1. Oh my, what a day! I'm glad to hear everything is okay for now. Keep us posted!

  2. Oh goodness! I'm glad everything seems okay right now, and I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend (ER trip and all)...Happy Mother's day!

  3. Oh my gosh! I hope he can get in to his doc soon.... keep me posted! Prayers for you guys!

  4. How scary! I'm glad everything is okay for the time-being, and hopefully it will turn out to be something innocent but annoying like a pinched nerve.


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