Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who's with me?

Does it ever seem that when YOU are at your most crazy/busy (I'm talking about WISHING for 18 hour days! Dreaming about just sitting on the couch!).... that everyone around you is moving at a snail's pace? Agh!!! I just had a meeting added to my calendar for tomorrow at 8am.... Why is this important? Because that leaves my only "free time" this week as 4-5 on Fri. Seriously?! So you know what that means..... a big, new job + no desk time + several deadlines = alot of late nights. And Mr. Fix-It is now building in his THREE neighborhoods.... whew! As my grandma would say, when it rains, it pours!
Meanwhile, everyone I know, barely know, work with, or overhear in the coffee line is on vacation. or on some sort of 'summer schedule.' or off to the spa. shoe shopping. relaxing. or otherwise not running at the freaky pace that we seem to be. And today, that's just pissing me off. Most days, I'd love to hear about your busy day of lounging or getting highlights on a leisurely afternoon - but today is NOT that day.
I need to go for a long, long jog tonight. And I will. Because I was working last night instead of jogging and that just made me even more pissed. There's nothing like working alot and getting fatter.

Thank God for my sister.... Yesterday I got the funniest Dilbert card in the mail (don't think I don't realize how sad it is that the office humor is funny to me).... and a Sonic GC to keep me happy and sane as I try to work thru what has become an overwhelming work-personal life right now.
I love my sister. And Sonic. And tonight, I'll be loving my Asics. I promise. And maybe.... let's hope.... tomorrow I can be back to my 'normal' self.


  1. Oh, that sounds like our life most of the time :) Hope you got in a run - that always makes me feel better!!! (And hope that things calm down for you soon!)

  2. How do you spell relief! Jogging, sisters, and Sonic! Hope you had a much less hectic day today. Here's to a semi-homemade life! That's the way to go! I believe in doing all we can to make life easier on ourselves!

  3. I so hear you! I've had a stressful week and my husband took a day off to go golfing with his brother (on a whim)and went to work on Wednesday adn someone gave him tix to a baseball game- so he left early and went with his parents and the kids!


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