Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Un-mom Mother's Day Gifts

Modern mother's day gifts..... to me it's an oxymoron..... or it's like saying I have "free time." It's something to dream about, but not expect... right?

I wanted to get together ALL the fun mom's day gift ideas I've found, but since the day is coming quickly (and my free time is super sparse lately!), I thought I'd give you my absolute faves of the moment - then follow up later with some additional ideas.

My absolute favorite mom's day gifts ever are the 2 necklaces I have from Julian & Co. They are IT for modern momma jewelry, in my opinion (for what that's worth!) I've ordered 3 necklaces from them (yes, both of mine, but don't let that take away from Mr. Fix-It's thoughtfulness... he just wanted to make sure they said exactly what I wanted them to!). I also ordered one for a friend of mine when her adoption was final - with her new son's name and adoption date on it. Let me just tell you - if you're looking for awesome customer service (yes, it still exists!), email Julian & Co. and let them work with you!

This is my newest necklace and current fav - I have one with Baby G-man's first & middle name on the front and all his birth info on the back. It's super cute!

This is new, but I'm liking it! (Almost looks like it could come in a little blue box, huh?) And it's similar to the Square Birth Necklace I have and adore with Big Sis's name & birth info on it.

Several of my most admired working momma friends swear by their momAgendas! And God knows, I could use some help getting organized.... hmmmm.... they come in tons of super cute colors (some of them BRIGHT! so they don't get lost in the sea of artwork, bills, and other things on your counter). I've heard great things about the Day Planners and gave the Kitchen Folio to Mrs. Everything and my sister Ellen when they hosted my baby shower last summer.

So, everyone I know that has the Chi is over-the-top in love with it.... it has changed their life... etc, etc. So, this is what my very own momma is getting for mother's day! (Gotta love! having 3 siblings to share costs with on holiday gifts for the parents!) We're getting ours from amazon. Duh. We got an amazing deal. AND free shipping.

Custom art is always so expensive, donchathink? But it doesn't have to be.... kiki & polly offer sketches from your photo and prices start at only $35 for an 8x10. Throw it in a cute (and cheap!) frame from Hobby Lobby or somewhere and you're done!

For lots more ideas.... visit the cool mom picks site!! Just click on the button below or on my sidebar!

And what am I hoping for this mother's day? A maid? Ridiculously healthy kiddos? I'll include that in a later rambling about the big day... as well as pics and memories from my very first mom's day in 2006!

1 comment:

  1. send gift to pakistanMarch 24, 2011 at 7:45 AM

    Some people in world would like to send gifts to theirs mothers on line its good idea.


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