Sunday, April 5, 2009

My very first 5k - I did it!

Y'all. I did it - I ran my very first 5k. And I even.... jogged the WHOLE way without walkng. Okay, that's pretty much because Mr. Everything insisted on jogging with me - no matter how many times I told him to save the embarrassment and go on ahead. What a good friend, huh?

Anyway, a few pics and a few details! This is Mr. Everything and I (and Big Sis) right before the race!

The Semi-Homemade family - everyone was out to support momma!

So, it was 58 and clear when we left the house... was going to get to 80 degrees on Sat. So why did it look like THIS at the race? Temps were dropping and a mist was rolling in....

Here we are, finishing the race. We did it in just under 35 minures. I'm sure Mr. Everything could have shaved 10 or more minutes off his time, but.... for my first race, I'd say it's not bad!

Honestly, I'm glad it's over! I might do it again.... but luckily, we're so busy in the next few months, that I don't have to worry about it! Thanks to everyone for your support! :)


  1. Congrats! I knew you'd do great! I am so proud and excited for you!

  2. Congratulations - must feel great to be done!!

  3. Congratulations on such an accomplishment!

  4. YAY! Congrats! I remember the course - nice scenery while running!

  5. yeah!!! CONGRATS!The 1st one is awalsy the best...even when you get faster!

  6. I knew you could do it!!! Way to go mama! I'm so proud of you!! Yeah! :)


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