Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who wants it?

Y'all. It's a sad day in the Semi-Homemade house (don't worry, I'm over it), but it's a good day for you! I have a 25% off coupon to Coach up for grabs! It's good in stores until 3/15. So.... be the first to leave a comment (and show/tell us what you're going to buy!) and I'll send it to you. I'll need some way of getting your address so I can mail it out TODAY....

Personally, I'd want to look at the bag above or this one. Aren't they both super cute?!


  1. E, I would LOVE to grab that coupon! I've been saving for a new bag and it would help tremendously.

    (CTMom06 from BBC)

  2. Umm....I forgot to leave my email. egeary@spt.com

  3. Yea, Erin! It's yours! Enjoy! (And I want to see a pic of this new bag!) :)

  4. Yes, we need to know what you are getting Erin!

  5. Elaine, my wallet and I thank you again!
    I'll be sure to let you know what I end-up with. Originally, I had been craving the Zoe style bag, but I just made the mistake of gazing at the Coach website. Now I have 4 bags to try-out! I hope my store has them all in stock.
    I'll keep you posted!


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