Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's not easy being green....

But we did it! Last night I searched and found what are probably the kiddos ONLY green clothes. All I can say is, thank goodness it's going to be 80 degrees today, because G-man is in a short romper thing...

But virtually NO ONE in the office is wearing green. And it's even jeans week (that's a BIG deal - all you corporate types know that!) I mean, has the recession robbed you of your ability to have fun?! Come on, people!!

Aren't they sweet? In other news, Big Sister is the Class Ambassador this week.... doesn't that sound impressive? What does it mean? No clue. But I think I'll ask the teachers when I'm at the school tomorrow. She also has show & tell on Friday and the subject is Spring. Any ideas?
I'll leave you with a (semi-homemade St. Patrick's day) pic of Mr. Fix-It and me with the kiddos....

Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all!!!!!!
(Oh, and for all of you who were concerned about me last night -- thank you, btw! -- I DID have some wine last night.... a glass before The Everythings dropped by and another glass after. Maybe I'll finish the bottle off tonight...)


  1. I can't get enough of your adorable kids. I just want to squeeze them!!!

  2. Your kids are adorable! What a chunk your little man is. =) I just came across your blog link on our Jan 06 BBC page. Love it! And good luck on your 1st 5K.. I'm running and trying to get ready for one this year, too. That's a lot with two little kids and a full schedule, so I know how hard you've worked.


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