Monday, March 2, 2009

Guess who's expecting!

No, not me. Duh. If you read this blog, you can already see that I can barely keep it all together with 'just' the 2 crazy kiddos. Talk to me in 2011.

The Everythings are Expecting!!! Isn't that exciting? We couldn't be more thrilled! (Crazy to think that in no time.... we'll be a party of 8!!! when we head out for dinner with the kids!)

Here's Miss P in the cute shirt her momma made her! Click here if you want to read all about it and leave her a sweet comment!

Congrats to our best friends The Everythings! Can't wait to meet the precious new addition in late summer!


  1. Lord have mercy! When you put it that way... a party of 8... 4 adults, 2 boosters, a high chair and a sling! That's a mouthful!

  2. Yeah, and the next words out of our mouth? "And a pitcher of beer and some margaritas, please!" We'll need 'em! :)


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