Saturday, February 14, 2009

Semi-homemade Valentine's

I love holidays. I always have these grand schemes of what I'd like to do to celebrate them... just creative touches here and there. And about half the time, those actually come to be. (Okay, so half might be a little generous... didn't I mention I work full time?) ;)

These Valentine cards are by no means some of my best work, but I think they made the cut, considering what we've had going on. My main objectives: custom, cute and cheap. I grabbed these foam gift tags at Michael's when they were on sale for $4 (for 30). Each kiddo had their own Valentine and it was attached to the foam tag - then Big Sister's had a Jolly Rancher sucker (she picked).

Big Sister's:

Then I did 10 teacher/director gifts for under $5. These cello bags are from the $ section in Target... then I added a couple bags of candy.... then curly ribbon to tie on the Valentine pic. It's not much, but I think it looks like more than $.50! And I added a sweet (but short) handwritten note for the teachers.

And here's the Valentine card we sent out to immediate family.... I'm not crazy about how this one turned out (I should have made the picture of the kiddos sepia instead of blk/wht), but... I'll tell you this much. Baby G-man's helmet has his name on the front and what a pain! I'll have to black it out on every picture before I post it. Love that.

And what's next on the semi-homemade front? G-man's 6 month pics, which we'll hopefully take on the back porch on Sun afternoon. In nothing but a diaper and a homemade knit hat. Not made by me... but homemade by a lovely gal from etsy. (I heart etsy! More on that topic to come!)


  1. I love your blog. I am the working mom of 3 boys and I know how overwhelming life can be. I love to be cutesy and crafty too, but there is only so much time in the day. Love the valentines.

  2. Woo Hoo! Looks like you're officially out of the closet!

    "I'm coming out! I want the world to know!"

  3. Those are awesome-I jumped over from Sasha Your little girl is so cute, I love her hair I also have a Jan 06 little girl and a 6yr old boy, feel free to check me out I also blog. I find myself addicted to reading so many I love blogland:)

  4. Elaine- So excited to see you blogging! I read Sasha and when I read today's post, I said...I know her!

  5. Very awesome blog!!!! I wish I had some of your creativity! I'm over from Sasha says but I also have a Jan '06 baby to from BBC...however I mostly lurk :(


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