Monday, February 23, 2009

Picture day at school - a poll

So, Mrs. Director stopped me on Fri as I was leaving the kids' school, to ask me if I wanted them to take off G-man's helmet for picture day on Tues. Picture day? She points to a poster (that I had obviously missed)....

So, what do y'all think? Part of me thinks - this is him right now, leave it on! The other part of me says - take it off, it doesn't match his outfit. ;) As you know, his helmet is black with Oklahoma State decals on it - making him a billboard for our love of orange. But right now, on the day before pics as I'm brainstorming what he'll wear... I'm thinking a brown polo shirt and jeans. And that doesn't 'go' with the helmet....

Helmet or no helmet!??! Leave me a comment and tell me what you think!

In other school news, Big Sister started "annsitioning" (in her words) to the big kid class over the last couple wks, but today is her first full day with the almost 4-year olds... Mr. Fix-It dropped her off and she cried and cried! Not like my outgoing little girl at all. She told me over the weekend that she'll miss Mrs. Teacher. "But mom, I love her soooo much." Awww...

And I like Mrs. Teacher, too, but is it wrong that I'm somewhat happy to be starting new with a teacher that doesn't know about this note that was sent home last month:

Big Sister is in her back-up clothes today because she was asked several times to leave the skirt of her dress down, but she wouldn't.

When I asked Big Sister why she had on sweats.... she said, "Mom, I kept showing the kids my panties!" with a big grin. Geez.... I thought we had until college to worry about these things. Or at least high school....

Be on the lookout for: pics of a semi-homemade big kid room! We finally finished Big Sister's room over the weekend and it looks amazing! I'll post pics of it (and G-man's semi-homemade nursery) really soon!

1 comment:

  1. I say this is him right now...leave it on. I'm all about catching the moment. Of course, from the looks of it you're snapping plenty of pics of G-man in the helmet too, so you'll already have those shots to remember the helmet. I know--big help, huh!


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